"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
– Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Who We Are
One Spirit, One World is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, California. The organization is unique in that it’s dedicated to making a meaningful difference by supporting important human and animal causes while leveraging the power of the founder’s entertainment background.
The focus of One Spirit, One World is on animals, environmental protection, nonviolence/peace, education, and poverty and women empowerment. We also support victims of natural disasters.
The organization was founded in 2001 in order to effectively tackle some of the most critical issues of our time that affect us all regardless of religion, race or financial status.
One Spirit, One World has launched a number of important awareness and fundraising campaigns to help bring attention to important issues while helping to support human & animal causes such as Operation Healing for the World & Giving with the Stars. Currently our focus is on launching awareness & fundraising campaign of hope called Fur-ever Friends: until no dog is left behind. The campaign is intended to help inspire love of dogs and adoption while bringing attention to the plight of badly abused dogs and all animals.
One Spirit, One World is guided by the belief that when we align our values with our actions and become co-workers with God, great things can happen. We promote life-affirming and unifying values such as: practicing random acts of kindness, respect for the sanctity of life, celebrating diversity and integrity.
Geela Parish & Cutie The Lion Dog are the official spokesperson and the mascot of One Spirit, One World. We rely on the generosity of spirit and financial support of like-minded donors and incredibly dedicated volunteers from all walks of life and unsung heroes for whom this is an intense labor of love!
– Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Who We Are
One Spirit, One World is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, California. The organization is unique in that it’s dedicated to making a meaningful difference by supporting important human and animal causes while leveraging the power of the founder’s entertainment background.
The focus of One Spirit, One World is on animals, environmental protection, nonviolence/peace, education, and poverty and women empowerment. We also support victims of natural disasters.
The organization was founded in 2001 in order to effectively tackle some of the most critical issues of our time that affect us all regardless of religion, race or financial status.
One Spirit, One World has launched a number of important awareness and fundraising campaigns to help bring attention to important issues while helping to support human & animal causes such as Operation Healing for the World & Giving with the Stars. Currently our focus is on launching awareness & fundraising campaign of hope called Fur-ever Friends: until no dog is left behind. The campaign is intended to help inspire love of dogs and adoption while bringing attention to the plight of badly abused dogs and all animals.
One Spirit, One World is guided by the belief that when we align our values with our actions and become co-workers with God, great things can happen. We promote life-affirming and unifying values such as: practicing random acts of kindness, respect for the sanctity of life, celebrating diversity and integrity.
Geela Parish & Cutie The Lion Dog are the official spokesperson and the mascot of One Spirit, One World. We rely on the generosity of spirit and financial support of like-minded donors and incredibly dedicated volunteers from all walks of life and unsung heroes for whom this is an intense labor of love!
What We Do
We bring attention to the causes we support in the following ways:
We bring attention to the causes we support in the following ways:
- We become a voice for the voiceless who suffer in silence.
- We create awareness and educate people about the causes we support such as the plight of homeless and abused animals including critical issues that impact us all today regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or financial status.
- We advocate for effective public policies and better laws such as protecting all animals.
- We offer spiritual solutions to the growing societal problems and create initiatives and programs to effectively tackle some of the critical issues impacting us today such as educational reforms, homelessness, poverty and anti-bullying programs.
- We mobilize community, business and spiritual leaders including celebrities.
- We form a strategic alliance with like-minded organizations and foundations worldwide.
- We regularly launch awareness and fundraising campaigns for important human and animal causes and the charities we support.
- We help save lives by inspiring love of dogs and adoption.
- We inspire people from around the world to build global movements that reflect the causes we support.
- We empower people with life-changing knowledge and practical educationWe leverage the healing power of music, media, including social media, and celebrities in order to increase public awareness and affect change positively on a mass scale.
- We inspire hope, healing and action.
- We inspire giving and social activism with the power to making a difference.
“The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs
Mission Statement
Our mission is to help transform lives and the world by becoming a voice for the voiceless and a source of hope, healing and inspiration. Our goal is to alleviate needless pain and suffering for all humans and animals by offering spiritual solutions to the growing societal problems while empowering them through sound education, increased awareness and life-changing knowledge.
We strive to uplift the human spirit and awaken a greater global consciousness that fosters the spirit of co-existence, cultural understanding, a culture of giving with compassion and planetary care. All of our ongoing campaigns and endeavors are designed to increase awareness of the unity of all living things, inspire hope, healing, and action necessary to eradicate senseless destruction of the self, others and Mother Nature including our animal friends. We leverage the healing power of music, media and celebrities to help affect change positively on a mass scale.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to help transform lives and the world by becoming a voice for the voiceless and a source of hope, healing and inspiration. Our goal is to alleviate needless pain and suffering for all humans and animals by offering spiritual solutions to the growing societal problems while empowering them through sound education, increased awareness and life-changing knowledge.
We strive to uplift the human spirit and awaken a greater global consciousness that fosters the spirit of co-existence, cultural understanding, a culture of giving with compassion and planetary care. All of our ongoing campaigns and endeavors are designed to increase awareness of the unity of all living things, inspire hope, healing, and action necessary to eradicate senseless destruction of the self, others and Mother Nature including our animal friends. We leverage the healing power of music, media and celebrities to help affect change positively on a mass scale.
Our vision is to create a ripple effect that will ultimately turned into a growing tidal wave of positive transformation for the benefit of ALL living things both human and animals alike by inspiring global movements working together towards achieving that goal.
We envision a world where increased awareness of the unity of ALL living things and the sanctity of life inspires people to treat each other and Mother Nature including our animal friends with respect, kindness and compassion. Celebrating the miracle of life instead of the false glory of violence, death and destruction.
We envision a world where diversity in all forms is not feared but rather celebrated and women are empowered to fulfill their destiny as the nurturers of life and the true architects of change for the benefit of all and the next generation in particular.
"Without a vision people perish.” – King Solomon
Our vision is to create a ripple effect that will ultimately turned into a growing tidal wave of positive transformation for the benefit of ALL living things both human and animals alike by inspiring global movements working together towards achieving that goal.
We envision a world where increased awareness of the unity of ALL living things and the sanctity of life inspires people to treat each other and Mother Nature including our animal friends with respect, kindness and compassion. Celebrating the miracle of life instead of the false glory of violence, death and destruction.
We envision a world where diversity in all forms is not feared but rather celebrated and women are empowered to fulfill their destiny as the nurturers of life and the true architects of change for the benefit of all and the next generation in particular.
"Without a vision people perish.” – King Solomon
About the Founder
The founder & Executive Director of One Spirit, One World is award-winning artist and life-long recognized social and animal activist Geela Parish (www.geela.com). She is also the official spokesperson for the organization.
Geela’s unmatched passion and life-long dedication for helping to advocate for human and animal causes was sparked by a near-death experience she had as a result of surviving a horrific car crash. It led to the discovery of her true calling to use her many talents to become a force for good and make a difference in an entertaining yet informative way.
Some of the causes Geela is passionate about are: education, youth violence & bullying, peace & nonviolence, parenting, women empowerment, the environment and adoption of rescued dogs.
For many years, Geela has been working tirelessly to help impoverished kids, protect the environment and animals, and advance the cause of education and nonviolence while helping victims of natural disasters. She has practically dedicated her life to transforming the world through her different endeavors including her uplifting music, life-changing books and advocacy efforts through her own nonprofit organization One Spirit, One World.
“I’m so grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passion for making a difference and be able to take my advocacy efforts to the next level with the help of an extraordinary team of caring volunteers. They are the unsung heroes who help me restore my faith in humanity and a brighter future for all.” – Geela Parish
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“It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.”
- Tom Brokaw
The founder & Executive Director of One Spirit, One World is award-winning artist and life-long recognized social and animal activist Geela Parish (www.geela.com). She is also the official spokesperson for the organization.
Geela’s unmatched passion and life-long dedication for helping to advocate for human and animal causes was sparked by a near-death experience she had as a result of surviving a horrific car crash. It led to the discovery of her true calling to use her many talents to become a force for good and make a difference in an entertaining yet informative way.
Some of the causes Geela is passionate about are: education, youth violence & bullying, peace & nonviolence, parenting, women empowerment, the environment and adoption of rescued dogs.
For many years, Geela has been working tirelessly to help impoverished kids, protect the environment and animals, and advance the cause of education and nonviolence while helping victims of natural disasters. She has practically dedicated her life to transforming the world through her different endeavors including her uplifting music, life-changing books and advocacy efforts through her own nonprofit organization One Spirit, One World.
“I’m so grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passion for making a difference and be able to take my advocacy efforts to the next level with the help of an extraordinary team of caring volunteers. They are the unsung heroes who help me restore my faith in humanity and a brighter future for all.” – Geela Parish
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“It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.”
- Tom Brokaw
A Prayer of Compassion
Lord help me…
To bring comfort where there is pain,
Courage where there is fear,
Hope where there is despair,
Acceptance when the end is near,
A touch gentle with tenderness, patience and love.
Help me make a difference!
Lord help me…
To bring comfort where there is pain,
Courage where there is fear,
Hope where there is despair,
Acceptance when the end is near,
A touch gentle with tenderness, patience and love.
Help me make a difference!
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